Evaluation of the existing training facilities in the region and formulation of training programmes for building up highly skilled scientific and technical manpower.
Designing programmes to strengthen the scientific, engineering and research and development institutions.
Survey of problem areas faced by the member countries in technology, and technology assessment for the individual Member States facilitating technology transfer and know-how.
Promotion of goal oriented research projects, including joint research programmes, thematic calls and specific actions related to priority areas of concern to the Member States, promotion of scientific projects of economic or commercial value contributing to the development plans or projects of the Member States or any individual researcher from any Member State.
Exchange of Science and Technology information through designated Centres and Institutions working as a network.
Strengthening of scientific cooperation through institutional linkages, exchange of scientists and holding of collaborative seminars and conferences on major science and technology issues in the Member States.
Promotion of improved methods in the teaching of science.
Publication of quarterly scientific bulletin which will contain the research papers and articles of the scholars of the member countries in the fields of natural and fundamental, social, human, medical and applied sciences and technology.
Holding of science and technology fairs and exhibitions in collaboration with the Member States.
Grant of awards and prizes to eminent scientists in the field of science and technology in ECO region.
Identification of elite science and technology organizations as focal points in the ECO Member States.
Strengthening of the scientific and technological libraries in the Member States.
Emphasizing on collaboration with concerned ECO and national institutions for strengthening and harmonizing regional patents and intellectual property rights regimes and safeguarding the innovations.