4th Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop begins on Nov. 9, 2020
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4th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop opened today (9 November 2020). The Camp is being organized by Children & Youth Science Center (CYSC) of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China (MOST) and CAST and supported by ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF), InterAcademy Partnership Science Education Program (IAP SEP), and Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). The camp was opened by Mr. Wang He Qing, Executive Deputy Chairman of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology along with other high officials of Communist Party and China Association for Science and Technology.
About 2000 participants comprising of students and teachers from 52 countries are attending the Camp. With efforts of ECOSF, 294 participants from seven ECO Countries i.e., Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkey are attending.
It is an annual event and this year’s event is organized virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to strengthen cross-cultural exchange, promote international understanding, inspire innovation in young generation and also for all scientists and science teachers to promote mutual learning and fulfill their responsibilities in science education career. The event gives students the opportunity to cooperate with the best of their age at international level, to share ideas and study cutting-edge knowledge in science labs of top schools in China through hands-on experience and teamwork under guidance of experienced teachers.
Various scientific activities in the field of robotics, 3D printing, health education, science video, engineering, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc. will be carried out during the camp. The event provides great opportunity to the participants especially the students learn and compete with international participants. The event will be concluded on 24 November 2020.