ECOSF Delegation Visited to Baidu Apollo Park for Autonomous Driving Experience in Beijing

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April 23, 2024 - The ECOSF delegation had the opportunity to visit Baidu's Apollo Park, a hub for autonomous driving technology, in Beijing. This visit provided an immersive experience of autonomous driving and showcased Baidu's pioneering efforts in the automotive industry in fully self driving capabilities.


Baidu, often referred to as China's Google, is a leading technology company known for its innovations in artificial intelligence and autonomous driving. The Apollo Project, a collaboration between Baidu, Kinglong, and a consortium of over 40 companies, focuses on developing driverless vehicles. This project represents a significant leap towards the future of transportation, emphasizing fully autonomous driving capabilities.


Baidu Apollo’s 6th Gen or Level 5 Autonomous Vehicles without a steering wheel and driver’s seat.

Participants of the ECOSF delegation were introduced to the cutting-edge technology behind Baidu's autonomous vehicles at Apollo Park. They had the exciting opportunity to experience fully self-driving cars firsthand and even rode in these fully autonomous vehicles within Beijing. The experience provided a glimpse into the potential of autonomous driving technology and its impact on the future of transportation.

The visit to Baidu Apollo Park highlighted the growing significance of electric and autonomous vehicles in shaping the future of the automotive industry. The seamless integration of artificial intelligence and advanced sensors showcased the potential for safer and more efficient transportation solutions.

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