President ECOSF received appreciation of the ECOSF2024 for his contribution to the ICERS Conference

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April 22, 2024- on the final day of the ICERS conference, professor Tayebi attended the International Conference on Energy Resilience and Sustainability (ICERS2024) conference at Sharif University of Technology. Prof. Abbaspour, the conference chair, appreciated the important role of the ECOSF in the conference, specially moderating the Session of Energy Security as well as delivering the TED Talk of ECOSF introduction at the conference participants. Prof. Tayebi also shared the points with the Conference Statement. A part of statement addresses one of humanity’s most pressing problems as energy is crucial in achieving all goals formulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as resolved by the Member States at the UN General Assembly in 2015.  With this conference, the first step has been made to attract the attention of the scientific community, educators, government agencies, private sectors, international organizations economic actors, and all affected stakeholders in a dialogue that needs to accompany the transition period ahead of us.

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